Thursday, August 27, 2009


Thank you for making cupcakes
(I literally do not know what I would do in this life without you)

Thank you for picking me up
(I really wanted to see him and you helped me)

Thank you for emailing me
(it made my week)

Thank you for not killing my dog
(just love on him)

Thank you for Mad Men
(and I thought you were only good for old movies)

Thank you for the tickets
(miss and I had a blast)

Thank you for coming over last night
(It was soooo great to see you)

Thank you for Taco Soup
(something that I can make....YAY!!!!)

Thank you for lunch
(and bonus it was half off thanks to meth)

Thank you for texting me that hilarious joke
(it made me laugh out loud)

Thank you for texting and asking about Ed
(you are the best pseudo mom ever)

Thank you for helping Ed with his house
(you have done a great job, even with the stress of it all)


Shauna Hardy said...

Thank you for being so good to my brother!

aubry. said...

i think you forgot one:

thank you for turning 40.
{this week has been nothing short of a delight - for me and my "not cute" friend}