Or the Chargers do. Seriously........How hard can my heart break. First.....the loss against the Panthers...in the last seconds......buh. I mean I am completely still and forever will be loyal to my boys but ummmm.....WHERE WAS ERIC WEDDLE? Or WHAT HAPPENED TO ANTONIO GATES? Or WHERE ARE ALL MY CARBS BECAUSE I AM READY TO BINGE AFTER THIS LOSS.
On one good note Phil Rivers did not look too bad nor did my L.T., even with a jammed toe. Oh and BFF now has gotten a glimpse into football season. I do not think anyone really believed how passionate I am about this sport. But leave it to BFF to tell me that no one wants someone who is perfect.....we want someone with flaws....so I should be happy with my imperfect team just as I would be happy with an imperfect friend or spouse. Have I mentioned I love my BFF?

Then......THEN....I learn today that Shawne Merriman WILL undergo knee surgery and will be out for the season. This Chargers fans is my fault. On Sunday I was texting a friend and I believe I said something like "I am hoping one knee will be blown and one knee will hold". So as we all know Tommy "baby" Brady is out for the season. He is done folks. Kiss the Pats bye bye. I celebrated. I did a little dance. I will admit I did the jig (or reel) of a lifetime. I shook it right at my desk at work. Because of that I received what some like to call Karma. And now here it is. I believe I have received some serious Karma in the way of this new information. And to top it off some ridiculous power ranking has the Chargers at 13th.
So goes the first week of the NFL. I know that my boys will
come back. Not even a little worried. Dallas should enjoy their time on top. It will not last long.
I just want to state, for the record, that I HAVE experienced football season before. I was, at one time, quite the dedicated fan (you may be surprised and wonder why, but let's leave motives out of this).
Anyway but then my team sucked for a series of years, and I realized it sucks to be a fan of a team that sucks. I still quite enjoy football, but I am a metaphorical island of a football fan and feel no compelling need to align myself with one team and watch all of their games, etc. etc.
By the way, but I do think you look great in your Chargers get-up.
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