Don’t fight over the same girl – This is a common theme. Kelly of course is the focus of most of the competing. But there was also the new girl at the beginning of season five (who was so turned off by Zack and Slater that she never returned in a single episode), Jennifer, Slaters old girlfriend, and the school nurse. But my favorite was when Zack kissed Lisa and Screech saw. Screech wanted to fight but Zack wouldn’t so Screech ripped open Zack’s shirt. Moral of the story…no shirt is ever worth a friendship. Wait no…..no girl is ever worth a friendship.
Dating every girl in your group eventually leads to the right one – Zack Morris. Stud extraordinaire. Dated OR made-out with EVERY GIRL IN HIS GROUP. Kelly (check) Jessie (check) Lisa (check) Tori (check). But he ended up with the first girl. The one he was meant for. Kelly Kapowski. But seriously EVERY GIRL. Yeah….up top.
Stereotypes are totally OK – With last names like Nerdstrom and Geekman…..well….SBTB showed us that it is totally OK to stereotype people. The Geeks, the dumb jocks, and the ditzy blonde. Classic. Plus remember when Violet would not sing in the glee club competition and Zack said to Screech "hey, she's your woman take her out in the hall and convince her". That is how you treat a woman.
Sometimes you need 45 best friends – Zack Morris names Screech, Slater, Jessie and Kelly as his best friends in separate episodes. Sometimes you just need a lot of support….from 45 best friends
Everyone deserves a one and done – This theory is all over SBTB. Like when Zack dates the girl in the wheelchair, when Zack dates Rhonda, When Jessie dates the short guy, but the main one is Senior Prom. Out of the kindness of her heart Lisa asks Screech to Prom. I mean that is just precious.

Tori Spelling can act – Violet Bickerstaff. Done and Done
Talents can magically appear – So remember Glee club? Kelly can not sing AT ALL. But you throw a record contract at her and all of a sudden she is Jessica Simpson (wait she can’t sing either) all of a sudden she is Duffy. And what about Zack attack? I mean she really picks and chooses.
If you are popular you can do anything – Skip class, hang out in the principals office, play in a band, be in a doo wop group, pick on nerds, talk at every school assembly,……..I mean the list goes on and on. What it comes down to is if you are popular you really are better than other people.
Being popular is hard – Huh, well you know when every girl wants you and you are wanted at every social function…..well that can be pretty hard….poor Zack Morris. Apparently this keeps people up at night.
Mullets can be cool if you are captain of the football team – Seriously AC Slater sported a mullet and terrible fashion for 5 seasons….still got the chicks.
You strum a bass – Just ask Lisa Turtle
All it takes to get a record deal is a work-out video – Hot Fudge Sundae anyone?

So there you have it. I know there are a ton more, another blog full. But for now, learn these. They can only make your life easier
HI-larious! Did you actually pull all of those from memory?
This is so funny. Oh the memories, I must say that I was an avid SBTB watcher.
You are the greatest! My kids used to tell how long something lasted by Saved By the Bell! Only 2 more SBTB's until we get there! I love reading your blog! Lori
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