Monday, March 1, 2010


a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person.

So at my new job I sit in the back row. I think I sit with the cool people.

Anyway. In this row are two guys who..

play jokes on me
tease me
gave me a nickname

We are friends. Pals

Their names are Dave and Jared

In my real life I have two dear friends as close as family


play jokes on me
tease me
gave me a nickname

Their names are Dave and Jared

Spooky right?

It is fair to note that the Dave and Jared in my real life are funnier.


mattie said...

This is totally like the "bizarro jerry" episode on seinfeld. Hilarious and creepy!

Unknown said...

Funnier, better looking, smarter, better at life, more muscular etc...

Catherine Lacy said...

That is pretty creepy... I thought one jared and dave was enough.

Cong Cha said...

One Jared and one Dave IS enough. She has to choose- us or them.

Also- Jen, you're fallign behind in blogging. I need more reading material at work.